gefahrenstufen de


* The avalanche-prone locations are described in greater detail in the avalanche bulletin (altitude, slope aspect, type of terrain)
- moderately steep terrain: slopes shallower than 30 degrees
- steep slope: slopes steeper than 30 degrees
- very steep, extreme terrain: adverse slope angle (more than 40 degrees), terrain profile, proximity
to ridge, smoothness of underlying ground surface

** additional loads:
- low: individual skier / snowboarder, riding softly, not falling; snowshoer; group with good spacing (minimum 10m) keeping distances
- high: two or more skiers / snowboarders etc. without good spacing (or without intervals); snowmachine; explosives; single hiker/climber


Skischule Zürs | Head: Martin Kefer | Haus Alpe Zürs Nr.277 | A-6763 Zürs am Arlberg | Phone: +43 5583 2611 | |